Blunt answers to frequently asked questions about ventriloquism and "going full-time" -- for ventriloquists and ventriloquists-to-be. The book has also proven useful to entertainers who are not ventriloquists but want to learn some of the "facts of life" about the entertainment industry -- and how to avoid costly mistakes. Indeed, this book can help you short-circuit literally months or years of painful mistakes .
Just of the few of its topics: working with and without contracts, agents, whether to "imitate" famous performers, surviving a "bad show," the joys and dangers of networking with entertainers, pricing your act, sound systems, lighting, videos, booking yourself, putting a show together, working with writers and comedy coaches, and motivational advice to performers.
Click here to pop open the Tape Order Form. The package contains 2 audio tapes which contains every word in the book (plus a few other comments) for only $14.95 plus $3.50 shipping & handling.
What our customers have said about Tips from a Pro ...
"I love the book and tape, but I actually prefer the tape. You can hear Joe s inflections and listen to it in your car. It has the complete text of the book -- plus he throws in a few extra asides!" -- Clinton Detweiler, owner Maher Studios, Littleton, CO and President of the North America Association of Ventriloquists.
"Highly informative and high entertaining! There is a lot of very practical information about the mechanics of making a living as a ventriloquist. I have listened to many publications on making a living as an entertainer. Almost all have been aimed at magicians. I ve still found them quite useful, but there is always some information that simply has no bearing on what I do. Of course, much of your tape could apply to magicians or clowns as well..." -- Joe Libby, San Antonio, TX