In September 2007 Woodlake High School in Woodlake, CA booked Joe Gandelman to give two seminars and to perform at the school's all-day Career Day.
Joe (a veteran newspaper reporter and well-known Internet political blogger) gave a seminar to students on careers in writing and reporting. He also gave a lecture on careers in comedy and in ventriloquism. And he performed at the schools big football game pep rally that afternoon.
Here are excerpts from some of the letters he got from high school students. Full names are not given to preserve privacy. The original letters are on file in Joe's office.
"I dind't know about all these programs that helped those of us who are still in high school. Your presentation as really good. I'm planning to apply for some of these programs pretty soon because I need to work and it was thanks to you."
--Christina C.
"I really liked your presentation because not only did you talk about different types of jobs but you also gave us places to start and advice o what to study (Writer's Market). I enjoyed your presentation because you were the only presentor who gave me ideas on where to start. I also liked tat you exlained more about yourself and not just your job. It was a great opportunity for us to see a real professional in the job."
--Maria H
"Walking into your presentation was perhaps the highlight of career day. I absolutely adored your puppets and the show you all put on. Seriously, sir, you made my day brighter, and my life a bit more interesting. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your schedule to come and se us at Woodlake, because you rocked!"
--Maia M
"I know your career is different than mosst, but it seems like it is fun and it makes me laugh. You were very funn at our career day and I enjoyed the show."
--Patrick M
"I really enjoyed your presentation. I think being a ventriloquist is cool because you enjoy your job and people enjoy watching your work. I learned things I nevere knew before, like the way you change letters of words so you do not have to move your lips. I also liked the performance at the pep rally."
--Vincent F
"I really enjoyed the puppets and the drawing board, they really entertained me and my friends who were also in your lecture. I enjoyed when you taught us how to "make the voice come from the box." I look foawrd to tricking many people when I master that skill..."
--Tila H
"I really enjoyed your presentation. It was really interesting to watch."
--Jennifer V
"I know your profession is a little different than usual, but I think that it is the kind of career we need. You were very funny and I enjoyed it. It was a pleasure being able to see you and meet you. I hope we can see you again in the future. So....adios!"
-- Morgan H
Do you need a high school show, a high school assembly coupled with how-to workshops or seminars? If so, give Joe Gandelman a call at (858)240-7860 or e-mail him at gandypro@gmail.com.