Joe Gandelman - Family Entertainer does (bilingual) shows for ALL ages and ALL occasions.
He has done his show in countless -- and often colorful -- venues throughout the country.
He has performed on huge historical vaudeville stages, at school assemblies, at
private homes, on boats, restaurants, at fairs and festivals -- also in the back of
a pickup truck and in a Pig Barn Arena in Texas.
His shows are famous for being fast-moving, with a BIG cast of high-visual wooden and puppet characters plus his famous lip sync number where Joe "throws" his voice into five wig-clad volunteers who mouth the words to an oldie while he does the voices. All of his shows
-- whether corporate, school, fair, festival, private party, adult or kids' -- are packed with laughs, fast-moving segments with a variety of characters and interaction.
Every year he adds a new character. Two of his most highly popular new ones (in adult, family and kids' shows): an elephant that squirts water out of its trunk and a dragon who gets mad at him and blows smoke out of his nose.
Meanwhile, in his highly acclaimed school assemblies Joe combines BIG LAUGHS with
his increasingly famous Learning through LaughterŪ technique which
gets information across to students of ALL ages in a highly entertaining --
and highly retainable -- form. He does elementary, middle, junior, and high
school assemblies all over the country.